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Kala Hydrate
IV Drip Therapy | $149
Refresh and replenish with Kala Hydrate. Most Amercians are considered chronically dehydrated. It is especially prevalent in older adults. Dehydration could cause headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps, and irritability in mild cases. How much more in extreme ones?
With Kala Hydrate, you can combat chronic and onset dehydration. The IV drip of lactated ringers or normal saline solution evenly replenishes your fluid and electrolyte levels, so you can stay on the go.
Key Nutrients: 1,000 ml Lactated Ringers or Normal Saline
Potential Benefits of Kala Hydrate IV Therapy
Treat Hydration
Manage dehydration symptoms by replenishing your fluid and electrolyte levels.
Address Fatigue
Fatigue and tiredness are common side effects of dehydration.
Ease Headaches
When you are dehydrated your tissues contract. It can put pressure on your nerves and cause headaches.
Stop Nausea and Lightheadedness
Dehydration slows down digestion. The lack of fluid may induce nausea and lightheadedness.
Improve Mental Clarity
2% decrease in brain hydration can cause short term memory loss. Chronic dehydration can shrink brain cells and induce brain fog.
Treat Muscle Cramps
Since tissues contract when dehydrated, it can cause muscle cramps.
Steady Rapid Heart Rates
If you have less fluid in your body, you have less blood. Your heart will compensate by beating faster, which leads to rapid heart rates and palpitations.
Feel Refreshed
Dehydration slows down When you are hydrated, you generally feel energized and refreshed.
Who is this for?
Hydrate IV therapy treatment is perfect for those with the following conditions:
- People who experience chronic dehydration
- Individuals who just finished strenuous activities like intensive workouts or manual labor
- People who feel weak during hot and humid weather
- Patients who are recovering from bouts of vomiting and diarrhoea